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There isn’t just one way to become an engineer anymore. These days you can attend a bootcamp, teach yourself, get a degree, or get an internship. I attended a bootcamp but I still had to teach myself during it and just figure things out.

不再只有一种成为工程师的方法。 这些天,您可以参加训练营,自学,获得学位或实习。 我参加了一个训练营,但在此期间我仍然必须自学,并弄清楚一切。

My first company hired me as an apprentice on a trial basis. After I proved myself, they hired me as a full-time engineer. I’m now a published author with one of the biggest engineering publishing companies in the world.

我的第一家公司试行雇用我为学徒。 我证明自己后,他们聘请我为专职工程师。 我现在是世界上最大的工程出版公司之一的出版作者。

Meanwhile, my sister offered to work for free at a company for the first few weeks, just to prove she could do the work. This just goes to show that there are so many paths open to anyone willing to work hard and learn.

同时,我姐姐提议在头几周内免费在一家公司工作,以证明她可以胜任。 这只是表明,有许多愿意为之努力学习的人开放的道路。

If you didn’t get a CS degree, that’s fine! There are so many other paths to becoming a software engineer. Let's look at a few of them here.

如果您没有获得CS学位,那很好! 成为软件工程师还有许多其他途径。 让我们在这里看看其中的一些。

新手营 (Bootcamps)

A legitimate bootcamp is a great investment in your career. When I graduated from college, I felt a little lost on what I wanted to do next.

合法的训练营是您职业生涯中的一项重大投资。 当我大学毕业时,我对下一步的工作感到迷茫。

I’d always loved coding but had never really pursued it. My aunt knew that I was trying to figure out what I should do for my first real career steps, besides internships and part-time jobs in college, and sent me an email about coding bootcamps. This absolutely saved me.

我一直很喜欢编码,但从未真正追求它。 我的姑姑知道我除了在大学里实习和打零工之外,还想弄清楚我应该做的第一步工作,并给我发送了一封电子邮件,内容涉及对训练营进行编码。 这绝对救了我。

I had never even heard of a coding bootcamp before. I immediately started doing a ton of research. It just seemed too good to be true. I read blog posts from every single student that had been to the bootcamp that I could find online. I read any review I could find. I started emailing students that attended the bootcamp and begging them to answer a few questions.

我以前从未听说过编码训练营。 我立即开始进行大量研究。 看起来真是太不可思议了。 我阅读过每一个到网上训练营的学生的博客文章。 我阅读了所有可以找到的评论。 我开始给参加训练营的学生发送电子邮件,并恳请他们回答一些问题。

After I did my research, I decided to apply to Dev Bootcamp. I was so nervous when I got in. I didn’t have the money at the time so I had to take a loan from my parents. I couldn’t even find a reasonably priced apartment in San Francisco, so I was sleeping on a bunk bed with a roommate in a crowded house that had the vibe of Ron Weasley’s house but without the magic.

研究完成后,我决定申请Dev Bootcamp。 我进去的时候非常紧张。当时我没有钱,所以我不得不向父母借钱。 我什至没有在旧金山找到价格合理的公寓,所以我和一个室友一起睡在一张双层床上,房间里挤满了罗恩·韦斯莱(Ron Weasley)的房子,但没有魔力。

It was the best thing I had ever done.


Fast forward five years and I’m a senior software engineer. I speak at conferences all the time, I’ve worked at big public companies such as Eventbrite and Pandora. I’ve been interviewed for newspapers and on television several times. I’ve been paid to consult at cutting edge companies, and I’m a published author with the biggest engineering publisher in the world. A coding bootcamp completely changed my life.

快进了五年,我是一名高级软件工程师。 我一直在会议上发言,我曾在Eventbrite和Pandora等大型上市公司任职。 我曾多次接受报纸和电视采访。 我一直在为前沿公司提供咨询服务,并且是世界上最大的工程出版商的出版作者。 一次编码训练营彻底改变了我的生活。

But it didn’t work out for everyone that attended with me. I started out with 50–60 students in my cohort. By the time we graduated, about ten graduated with us. Some had stayed behind a cohort to learn a little more. Some dropped out early, while they still got a significant refund. Others decided that engineering wasn’t for them partway through the program when the financial loss was high. Others were asked to leave because they couldn’t keep up.

但这对与我一起参加会议的每个人都没有效果。 我最初的队列中有50至60名学生。 到我们毕业的时候,大约有十个毕业了。 有些人留在一个队列中以了解更多信息。 有些退学很早,但仍然获得了可观的退款。 其他人则认为,在经济损失很高的情况下,工程设计并不适合他们。 其他人被要求离开,因为他们无法跟上。

A coding bootcamp is one of the largest purchases you’ll make in your life. Do your research. Many horror stories exist online of people who paid $10–20k only to find out the bootcamp was a scam or the teachers were inadequate.

编码训练营是您一生中最大的一笔购买。 做你的研究。 在线上存在许多恐怖故事,人们花了1万至2万美元才发现训练营是骗局或老师们不够用。

A good bootcamp will start with an online phase first, where you’ll learn from your home. It will teach you the basic concepts of programming so that when you get to the onsite portion of the program, you can focus on the tougher engineering concepts with teachers around to answer your questions.

一个好的训练营将首先从在线阶段开始,您将在家里学习。 它将教您编程的基本概念,以便您在学习程序的现场部分时,可以专注于更严格的工程概念,并由老师在身边回答您的问题。

Make sure that you find a program that also has a phase focused on interviewing prep and that supplies you with a career team. This was one of the most beneficial parts of my bootcamp. I got my first engineering job because the bootcamp helped me write out my LinkedIn and make my profile stand out. My first company actually found me on LinkedIn — I didn’t even have to apply.

确保找到一个程序,该程序的另一个阶段集中在面试准备上,并为您提供职业团队。 这是我训练营中最有益的部分之一。 我获得了第一份工程工作,因为训练营帮助我写出了LinkedIn,并使个人资料脱颖而出。 我的第一家公司实际上是在LinkedIn上找到我的-我什至不必申请。

If you do decide to research coding bootcamps, I recommend you start with the following. bootcamps: HackReactor, App Academy, and Hackbright.

如果您决定研究编码训练营,建议您从以下内容开始。 训练营:HackReactor,App Academy和Hackbright。

自我学习 (Self-learning)

If you have the time and can manage your own time well, this option might be a great fit. It’s definitely the toughest choice because you will need to keep to a schedule and stay motivated.

如果您有时间并且可以很好地管理自己的时间,那么此选项可能非常适合。 这绝对是最艰难的选择,因为您需要保持进度并保持动力。

It’s important to set goals to keep yourself on track. I recommend starting out with free resources before you commit to a more expensive paid course online. Try the freeCodeCamp responsive web design course to start out.

设定目标以保持进度很重要。 我建议您先从免费资源开始,然后再在线上购买更昂贵的付费课程。 尝试使用freeCodeCamp响应式Web设计课程开始学习。

Once you’ve completed a few online courses, start challenging yourself. Don’t just keep following tutorials. Try to build something of your own.

完成一些在线课程后,就开始挑战自己。 不要仅仅遵循以下教程。 尝试建立自己的东西。

Pick an idea that you’re really excited about. If you’re really passionate about what you’re building, you’ll be motivated to keep going. Do you have any fun websites ideas or command line projects you could try to build? Start small but keep increasing the complexity in your projects. Later on, you can use these projects for your portfolio.

选择一个您真的很兴奋的想法。 如果您真的对自己的建筑充满热情,那么您将有动力继续前进。 您是否有任何有趣的网站创意或命令行项目可以尝试构建? 从小处着手,但不断增加项目的复杂性。 稍后,您可以将这些项目用于您的投资组合。

Make sure you carve out a dedicated time each day that you’ll teach yourself how to code. Even if it’s only a half hour every day - that will make a much bigger impact than a few hours once a week.

确保您每天安排一段专门的时间来教自己编码。 即使每天只有半小时,这也会比每周一次几个小时产生更大的影响。

If you choose to teach yourself, it won’t hurt to find an accountability partner! Try to find someone else who is on the same path as you. Reach out to them once a day and share what you did the day before to push your learning forward and what you’ll do that day.

如果您选择自学,找到问责伙伴将不会有任何伤害! 尝试找到与您同路的其他人。 每天与他们联系一次,并分享您前一天所做的事情,以推动您的学习和当天的工作。

学徒/实习 (Apprenticeships/Internships)

After I graduated from my coding bootcamp, my first job as an engineer was an apprenticeship with a ticketing startup. The startup had the resources to mentor two junior engineers and I was one of the two selected for the first iteration of the program. I had another offer from a huge tech company at the time that paid much more but I thought it was important to take a risk and prioritize learning.

从编码训练营毕业后,我作为工程师的第一份工作是在票务初创公司当学徒。 该初创公司有资源来指导两名初级工程师,而我是该程序第一次迭代中选择的两个人之一。 当时,我还收到了一家大型科技公司的另一笔要约,但要价要高得多,但我认为冒险并优先考虑学习很重要。

The apprenticeship taught me more than I ever thought possible in just a few months. I paired with an engineer frequently and the company didn't put pressure on me to produce a ton of code right away.

在短短的几个月内,学徒制给了我更多的想象。 我经常与一位工程师结对,而该公司并没有向我施加压力以立即生成大量代码。

I was so glad that I decided to take an apprenticeship that focused on learning instead of a more stressful job that wouldn't have focused on teaching me and growing my career as an individual.


The company ended my apprenticeship a month early and hired me full time as a software engineer. I was promoted to a senior software engineer a year and a half later because they had prioritized teaching me and given me individualized attention.

该公司提前一个月结束了我的学徒期,并雇用我全职担任软件工程师。 一年半后,我被晋升为高级软件工程师,因为他们优先教我并给予我个性化的关注。

Most apprenticeships and internships are paid and offer mentorship/support. You’ll most likely need to look for programs from larger companies because startups generally don’t have the resources to do these kinds of programs yet.

大多数学徒和实习是有偿的,并提供指导/支持。 您很可能需要从大公司那里寻找程序,因为初创公司通常还没有资源来执行这类程序。

A larger company will also have a more formalized process which will mean you’ll probably have a dedicated mentor, time to onboard, and more resources. My apprenticeship at a startup was only able to hire me because several senior engineers truly wanted to help grow the career of a junior engineer and volunteered their time.

较大的公司还将有一个更正规的流程,这将意味着您可能将有一个专门的导师,上岗时间和更多资源。 我在一家初创公司的学徒之所以只能雇用我,是因为几位高级工程师真正地想要帮助发展初级工程师的职业并自愿提供他们的时间。

However, generally the candidates for an apprenticeship or internship have either already graduated with a CS degree, attended a bootcamp, or are generally able to hit the ground running.


My sister taught herself how to code and then told a company she liked that she would work for free for a few weeks to prove herself. They liked her determination in reaching out and they ended up hiring her as an engineer full time even though a huge number of people had applied for the internship.

我姐姐自学了如何编码,然后告诉一家她喜欢的公司,她将免费工作几个星期来证明自己。 他们喜欢她的决心,尽管他们中有很多人都申请了实习,但最终还是聘请她为工程师。

Since these openings are still highly competitive, it’s very important to make yourself stand out when you apply. If you didn’t attend a bootcamp or have a CS degree, you’ll need to create a great portfolio and .

由于这些职位的竞争仍然很激烈,因此在申请时要脱颖而出非常重要。 如果您没有参加过训练营或没有CS学位,则需要创建出色的作品集并 。

Here's a great on freeCodeCamp about building a great portfolio by Ali Spittel.

这是关于freeCodeCamp的一篇很棒的 ,内容是关于由Ali Spittel构建一个很棒的产品组合。

在当前公司过渡到工程学 (Transitioning to Engineering at Your Current Company)

At a large public company I worked at previously, many individuals transferred to the engineering team from different teams. Some worked in customer support or in QA.

在我之前工作的一家大型上市公司中,许多人从不同的团队转到工程团队。 有些人从事客户支持或质量检查工作。

It wasn’t easy and they still had to teach themselves a lot, but they’re all now working full-time as engineers. They just had to prove that they could do the work and hit the ground running.

这并不容易,他们仍然需要自学很多,但是他们现在都全职从事工程师工作。 他们只需要证明自己可以胜任这项工作即可。

This requires you to be able to get your current work done and have the ability to take on extra work in your own time. You’ll need to prove to your company that you can learn fast and you’ll provide benefit. This might mean that you need to work later and on weekends, but it’ll be worth it in the end.

这要求您能够完成当前的工作,并有能力在自己的时间内承担额外的工作。 您需要向您的公司证明您可以快速学习,并会从中受益。 这可能意味着您需要稍后和周末工作,但最终还是值得的。

This benefits your company in many different ways because they get an engineer and an engineer that knows how the company works already. If you're working in QA or customer support, you know the product very well already and you know the customer pain points as well. This is a huge asset to a company.

这使您的公司受益于许多不同的方面,因为他们会聘请一名工程师和一位了解公司运作方式的工程师。 如果您从事质量检查或客户支持工作,那么您已经非常了解产品,并且也知道客户的痛点。 对于公司来说,这是一笔巨大的财富。

One thing to note is that this won't work if your company doesn't have an engineering team. Ideally, a rather large engineering team so you can have potential mentors and engineers to pair program with when you get stuck.

需要注意的一件事是,如果您的公司没有工程团队,这将行不通。 理想情况下,您需要一个相当大的工程团队,这样,当您遇到困难时,您可以让潜在的导师和工程师与程序配对。

任何会学习编码的人都可以找到工作 (Anyone Who Can Learn to Code Can Get a Job)

I didn’t pursue engineering in college because I thought I wasn’t smart enough. I thought engineering was a field for men and I would be ostracized.

我没去上大学,因为我认为自己不够聪明。 我认为工程学是男人的领域,我会被排斥。

I've now worked as a senior Blockchain engineer, an iOS engineer, a senior frontend engineer, and a senior full-stack engineer. I'm a published author and I've spoken at tech conferences. I have recruiters from Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Apple reaching out constantly.

我现在担任高级区块链工程师,iOS工程师,高级前端工程师和高级全栈工程师。 我是发表论文的作者,并且在技术会议上发言。 我有来自Facebook,Google,Twitter,LinkedIn和Apple的招聘人员不断伸出援手。

If you can stay determined, you can get a job in engineering.


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